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Our Epic Story

Taking Digital Editing Services to Epic Heights

When the world went into lockdown in early 2020, it was a wonder I didn't scale my apartment complex walls or attempt an audacious escape into wine country to start a new life! 


Having completed another wonderful stint teaching English abroad, I looked toward my next challenge. I've always been a writer, but being forced indoors 24/7 meant I finally had the time to devote myself to it. 


When I started picking up editing jobs at the start of 2021, it suddenly hit me: I'm really good at this! The many many hours spent at Uni correcting essays and harping on and on about 'getting your point across' had paid off! I did it for free back then, so why would anyone question my O.C.D. regarding the proper us of things like prepositions and dangling participles?


Thus, EpicEdit was born.


This time around, I'm here to help you communicate effectively and efficiently and, because you'll be paying me for my epic editing services, I promise I'll make my O.C.D. work twice as hard for you! I greatly look forward to helping you find your Epic Edit. 


- Lindsay Stevens, EpicEdit founder 

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Read about our Epic Adventures!

See more info about our epic journey in our blog celebrating our 1st birthday!

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